Symptoms and causes of ADHD

Symptoms and causes of ADHD

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition mostly diagnosed in children, and its symptoms can continue well into adulthood. This disorder can result in hyperactivity, difficulty focusing, behavioral issues like frequent outbursts of anger and frustration, and inattentiveness. While this condition does not have a cure, the symptoms can be managed effectively with proper treatment. Read on to know more about this condition. Symptoms of ADHD The main symptoms of ADHD are impulsive behavior, inattention, and hyperactivity. The signs can appear from a young age and become apparent even before children turn 12 years old. Also, ADHD can manifest in different ways in boys and girls. While it is common for boys to be more hyperactive, girls with this disorder tend to be inattentive. Generally, children with ADHD will either be inattentive or hyperactive or have a combination of these symptoms. Inattention If a child shows some of the following signs for at least 6 months, they might be facing the problem of inattentiveness: Makes careless mistakes while doing homework or fails to pay attention to detail Cannot focus while playing or performing simple tasks May not listen carefully, even when someone is talking to them directly Cannot follow instructions Is unable to organize tasks Avoids any task that requires focus Loses things easily and frequently Can become distracted easily Impulsivity and hyperactivity The following is a list of the symptoms that indicate impulsivity or hyperactivity in children if they manifest for 6 months or longer:
Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s results in the unfortunate wasting away of brain cells, causing their premature death; it is a progressive ailment. It is the most common kind of dementia, wherein a person’s social skills, behavior, and thinking capabilities decline, disrupting their ability of independent functioning. The earliest signs of this disorder may be forgetfulness with severe memory loss as the disease progresses. Here are the common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: Memory loss Repeating questions and statements Difficulty in finding words to identify objects, participate in conversations, or express thoughts Forgetting events, appointments, and conversations Forgetting family members’ names and common objects Getting lost in known places Misplacing things Thinking and reasoning Losing the ability to make reasonable judgments and decisions Making uncharacteristic or poor choices in social gatherings Difficulty in responding to everyday situations Planning and performance Routine activities, such as cooking or planning becomes difficult Advanced stage patients may not be able to perform basic tasks, such as bathing or dressing Personality and behavioral changes Delusions Depression Loss of inhibitions Apathy Wandering Mood swings Modified sleeping habits Social withdrawal Aggression and irritation Distrust in others Why does Alzheimer’s occur? The patient’s brain changes due to Alzheimer’s disease. The brain becomes smaller as the disease progresses with lesser healthy brain cells.